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For Those Who Want to be Prepared

For Those Who Want to be Prepared

We believe ever so strongly in preparation, so much so we made it a part of our core messaging. Quite often when people, and families, consider preparation their immediate thought migrates to the basics such as food, water, and shelter. These necessities are all immensely important in preparation, but there is yet another component of preparation which needs to also be considered when considering the possibility of an adverse, emergent event. That component is having a plan for vital documents such as our financials and accepted identification. 

Unfortunately, vital documents are often overlooked when it comes to our preparation for adverse events. What happens if this emergency is financial in nature? As many of you are aware, quite recently Fitch downgraded the bond rating for the US and in so doing an environment was created which will cause the Federal Government to pay more for its financing, potentially a great deal more! What if this development, or some other financial crisis, creates financial chaos in our nation? Do you have your financial documents in a safe place? A waterproof, fireproof, and portable location? 

Allow us to strongly encourage you to secure such storage for your vial documents. Our suggestion is to place your portable document storage device with your emergency food supplies, and particularly so if you have a bugout bag(s). This allows you to grab and go should an unplanned emergency arise, but it also places these documents in a logical place for long term safekeeping.


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