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A Life Altering Event

A Life Altering Event

No one wants to encounter such an event, but often we do not have the luxury of avoiding such occurrences. Natural disasters, catastrophes of human origin, or any number of similar events can usher in a life altering event for a person or their entire family. So what are some key elements to keep in mind regarding being prepared for such unplanned events? 

First, access to food. Can there be anything more critical than understanding the preparation necessary for having food in the event of a life altering event? One could reasonably argue fluids, and we will address that need in a future post, but proper food storage is vital as well. 

Key principles to remember regarding access to food in an emergency:

  • Stock what people will enjoy eating as much as is reasonably possible. There is no need to retain foods no one really cares to eat. Yes, this is an emergency setting, and this may not be the time for picky eaters, but tasty food in an emergency is not unreasonable. 
  •  Know the shelf life of your food items, and for that matter, organize your foods based on expiration dates or shelf life. Sell by dates are another good benchmark for organizing your food. 
  • Employ diverse methods of food storage. Canning, freeze drying, mylar bags, dehydrating, food buckets, and vacuum sealing are but a few strategies for long term storage of food. 
  • Educate yourself on the advantages and drawbacks of the various methods of food storage. We have chosen ReadyWise food buckets, mylar bags, and dehydration thus far. 
  • When possible, consider a garden. We are using repurposed wood pallets for growing spices and herbs and 2 liter bottles for growing lettuce.

Wood pallet herb gardenLettuce growing in 2 liter bottle

Hopefully these basic principles will help you be prepared in case you should experience a life altering event in your future. Do you implement any of these principles? Do you have other principles you implement to prepare for unplanned events? If so, add your ideas to the comments below. 

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